Fallen New York : Douglas Fir Tree Set, 100% original mesh, 6-9 prims each, available in main store.Fallen New York : Italian Vines on Cracks Winter/ Red and Green, 100% original mesh 1LI, 10 different growth shapes, available in main store.
GOOSE : Garden Fence Modular Pack Black, available @ Cosmopolitan till January 8th.
OPTMUS RACE : Christmas 1400 North Pole, available in main store.
Raindale : Holibell snowman (Snowbound edition), Holiday topiary - Reindeer (Snowbound edition), Everjoy Joy sign (Snowbound edition), available in main store.
The Green Door : Hoffman Cottage, low-land impact home featuring an open plan with living space and kitchen dining area, a separate bedroom and a two-way fireplace shared by the living and bedroom, 22x17m, 38LI. Snow roof add on 12LI. Available in main store.