Serenity Style: "Neil Cargo Bicycle" Gacha, in the picture Artist RARE and Winery RARE, available exclusively @Man Cave, till March 11th.
GOOSE: "Pallets and Mattress Set" Adult, available in main store.
GOOSE: "Old Bridge" (red), available in main store.
B-Made: "Tiffi Car", [FLAT WHEEL], available @Cosmopolitannew round starting February 24th.
EED: "Spring Log Planter" with resizer, available @ Steals and Deals February 21st to February 24, in main store.
Refuge: "Emme Set", crate sits and table, available in main store.
Little Branch: Forest Pansy Tree.v2 (Animated) 4 Seasons, available @Cosmopolitantill February 22nd, after the end of the event available in main store.
DECOR DaD Design: "Oh My Valentine Basket", 100% Original Mesh, PG & Adult version, available @Anthemtill February 28th.
Serenity Style: " Fall in Love " Set, available exclusively @UniKtill February 27th.
Raindale : "Miracles" sign and "Love" sign, available @Enchantmenttill March 3rd.
Raindale: Valentine's basket (red&white), Valentine's bear (white), available exclusively @Cupid Inc.till February 25th.
Raindale: Faeheart bench (pink), Faeheart - SOI (double), available @The Gacha Gardentill February 29th.
[Merak]: Sweet Love, (rezz & hold) available @Cupid Inc.till February 25th.
EED: "Zen" Complete Set ( Buddha, Pillow, Planter), available @ Steals and Deals in main store February 14th till February 17th.
EED: "Love Couple in Blue" available in main store.
EED: Dove Cote with resizer, available @Home & Garden ExpoFebruary 13th till March 4th.
Little Branch: Juniper Tree.v1and v2 (Animated) Seasons, 100% original mesh, available @ Ubertill February 22th, after the end of the event available in main store.